My Father Tears His Face Off

Nikolaus Maack
13 min readAug 9, 2022
A badly drawn head where the face has been torn off, leaving a red raw hole where a face used to be. It’s more of a bad cartoon than something horrifying.

I remember how surprised and frightened we all were, the first time my father tore off his own face. He did it because no one had done the dishes. He was angry. Both of his fists were clenched next to his forehead. His fingers dug into the flesh, just below his hairline, and tore open a wound. Blood ran down his face in streams. He pulled at the skin, and there was a ripping sound.



Nikolaus Maack

I am a terrible person. I am on twitter as @lordjuiblex because he is the god of slime, sickness, and stupidity. Why don't you follow me? I am terrible.